Daily Archives: June 11, 2010

Yard (Waste) Sale

Get yer yard waste here !!

Sellers and buyers alike in Kingston’s first citywide yard sale will be excused for their annoyance over having to navigate around barrels and piles of yard waste that haven’t been picked up in three to four weeks in some places.

Taxpayers are rightly scratching their heads:  What is the point in having a waste pick up service paid for by taxpayer dollars if the waste isn’t going to be picked up?  And as Kingston embarks on its first citywide yard sale, what kinds of thoughts are people going to come away with?  Can’t you picture someone who traipsed down here from, say, New

Baltimore to check out our yard sale talking to a neighbor when they returned home?

“How was Kingston’s big yard sale, Mabel?”

“Well it wasn’t bad … except for the piles of YARD WASTE that I had to trip over.”

Bad first impression, that is.

But as I thought about it, I had an idea: maybe enterprising Kingstonians can bundle their yard waste and sell it as media for someone’s compost heap!  What the heck?  And maybe they can get a two-fer: make money selling their yard waste, AND THEN demand (rightly) a reduction in their taxes for the service they did NOT receive!

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Filed under City Hall, Common Council, DPW, Eye Sores, Yard Waste